Best Practices for AI Prompt Writing


Best Practices for AI Prompt Writing

Key Takeaways

This blog explores best practices for AI prompt writing, including being precise, asking insightful follow-up questions to dig deeper into specific topics and experimenting with tone and style. Used well, AI can free health coaches and exercise professionals from some of the potentially mundane tasks that these jobs require, such as creating welcome packets, writing blogs for your website or developing a business plan. In addition, AI can be used to brainstorm ways to build your business or repurpose existing content to be used in other creative ways. Ultimately, the goal of using AI is to free up time to reach more clients or participants, build your business or take some time for yourself.


The power of artificial intelligence (AI) and its ability to improve your effectiveness as a health coach or exercise professional should not be underestimated. Used well, these AI prompt writing tips can free you from some of the potentially mundane tasks that your job requires. Less time writing blogs or trying to figure out what to include in a business plan or on social media, for example, means more time for building your business or for doing things you love outside of work. 

The Power of AI Prompts 

Making the most of artificial intelligence, such as ChatGPT, Gemini or Copilot, requires that you master the art of writing prompts. The best way to learn is to dive in and see where the “conversation” takes you 

Consider these strategies for writing effective prompts: 

  • Be specific. For example, saying you are a group fitness instructor will give you more personalized results than if you identify yourself as an exercise professional. Also, give your location to receive community-specific responses. Finally, a longer prompt with a lot of details will help the AI narrow its response. 

  • Provide a word count. This can be helpful even if you’re not trying to draft a blog or article. For example, you can ask for “300 words to describe the top 6 strategies for…” rather than simply asking your question. That way, you don’t get more information than you need and the AI has limits on what it will create.  

  • Dig deeper with follow-up questions. This is where AI becomes most powerful, as the conversational aspect gives you the opportunity to gain more insight into a particular area or branch off into an entirely new direction that you may not have anticipated. Evaluate each response the AI provides and then use follow-up questions to focus on what you need. AI will often provide long lists or outlines, so dig deeper by saying, “Tell me more about…” 

  • Experiment with tone and style. This might include something like “use a wittier voice” or “write tips for first-time personal training clients.” Telling the AI who your audience is and the style or tone you’re seeking will give you more usable results. For example, you might say, “I am a personal trainer writing a blog for older adult clients about balance training. I want to provide practical strategies they can use to add balance exercises to their daily routine, written in a friendly, upbeat style.  

Other Uses of AI 

AI can be of great use even if you’re not a “writer.” Use it as a brainstorming partner to identify and then improve upon your areas for growth as a professional or to find ways to expand your business. For example, you might ask, “What do investors want to see in a business plan?” or “What are some creative touches I can add to my social media presence to help me stand out from the competition?” 

AI can also take over smaller tasks that drain valuable time from your day. For example, you can use it to draft a welcome email or creative welcome packets for new clients or a list of tips to stay active while on vacation that you can send to clients who are going to miss a week of sessions or classes. 

Another fun use of AI involves rewriting existing text in a new style or for a new purpose. Maybe you’ve written a short blog and want to turn it into a series of social media posts. You can simply ask the AI to “create 3 social media posts based on the following content.” Or, perhaps you have written something that seems too formal or academic. You can paste it into your prompt and ask AI to rewrite it in a friendlier tone. 

Perhaps the most important thing to remember when using AI is that you are the expert and that content provided by AI should not be explicitly trusted. It’s up to you to ensure that what you’re using is credible and accurate. Never lose sight of the fact that it’s your name and credibility on the line. So, be sure that any AI-derived content that you create is evidence-based and actually expresses what you’re trying to express.  

Final Thoughts 

Approach AI with curiosity, not fear. Embracing this evolving technology will allow you to become a more efficient and effective professional. It may also help you expand your business and reach new clients as you improve your marketing, build your website or enhance your social media efforts. There’s really no limit to what it can do, so explore and have fun—you may be surprised where AI takes you! 

If you want to learn more about cutting-edge marketing strategies that will help you streamline your operations and captivate clients, consider Marketing Automations and Technology (worth 0.2 ACE CECs). This course will elevate your business’s digital presence and help you achieve brand consistency that stands out in the market. 

Or, if you’re interested in learning more about using AI to gain a competitive edge over your competition, check out the AI Bootcamp for Health and Fitness Coaches (worth 2.0 ACE CECs). This Precision Nutrition course will empower you to position yourself at the forefront of the constantly evolving fitness industry by seamlessly integrating AI into your interactions with clients and other business practices.

Credit: Best Practices for AI Prompt Writing